August 5, 2009

VMWare Player hidden vmnetcfg

2/28/2003 Update:

In VMWare Player 5 you need to:
go to the vmware-directory and run in elevated cmd.exe-box

rundll32.exe vmnetui.dll VMNetUI_ShowStandalone

Original Post:

I like VMWare player for its stability but wanted to have more control on the network configuration. For example, I wanted to configure which physical network card to map to the bridged network in vmware player. I dug around the internet but did not find any. Fortunately when scanning through the EXE files installed by VMWare Player I found what I was looking for: vmnetcfg.exe.

So simply go to the following directory in your Windows and run "vmnetcfg"

C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Player>vmnetcfg

And you should see a window popping up where you can configured all network configurations.

I think the configurations are saved to somewhere in the registry. After changing my bridged network map, and rebooted my virtual Linux, the bridged network worked great.

You can also changed DHCP settings, NAT settings (port forwarding on both TCP and UDP), and all kinds of other interesting things. Be sure to check it out if you use vmware player.

This is the screenshot:


  1. Don't see that utility under 3.0.0 build-203739 installation.

  2. In vmware-player 3 you don't need this anymore. I think everything can be configured in the main setting panel.

  3. I could not run that command successfully for some reason on Windows 7. It just put the installer exe to the extract folder and then it complained that it cannot overwrite it. But as a workaround I could extract the installer using Win XP.
    This is pathetic from vmware!

  4. To find vmnetcfg you must run "VMware-player-3.nnnnn.exe /e Directory" and open where you can find this program.

    1. Thanks for this tip...just what I was looking for.

  5. How do you do this with VMware Player on Linux?

  6. I'm not following up VMware Player, but I think if you are otherwise not bound to VMware it's worth trying Oracle's (earlier Sun's) VirtualBox. It can create snapshots, which may come very handy if you ever want to roll back to some earlier state of the VM.

  7. I didn't have the in my VMware Player install, but I copied the EXE over from a workstation install and it worked!

    I had a problem with bridging and what I discovered was that bridge connections "auto select" in alphabetical order. I also have VirtualBox installed, so the problem was "VirtalBox Host-Only" comes before "Wireless Adapater". The host-only adapter was always "active" so it would be preselected even though it couldn't provide internet.

    I disabled this adapter and it worked! Thanks for getting me going in the right direction.
