November 11, 2007
Change Auotplay for DV Camera
use regedit, goto HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\AutoplayHandlers\EventHandlers,
you will see an entry: VideoCameraArrival, with a key "MSVideoCameraArrival" with no value. This handler is defined in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\AutoplayHandlers\Handlers.
So all I needed to do is to add a key "MyVideoHandler" to the key VideoCameraArrival, next to MSVideoCameraArrival, then define MyVideoHandler in 'Handlers', with the contents of:
ProgID: Shell.HWEventHandlerShellExecute
That did the trick. Now when I plug in my DV, windows asks me which handler to use. I can pick either.
September 18, 2007
September 1, 2007
My Cat JiaoJiao Died Today
A day to grieve.
Little JiaoJiao died today. She lied still in the street of our neighborhood. It looks like she was run over by a car during the night.
She has been a very sweet cat. Never scratched people. Never bitted people. She has very software hairs. She was as sweet as a cat can be. My wife used to cut her nails and bathe her without any complaints from her.
When we moved from Maryland to California, we had to leave one of our two cats behind. The other cat, Mimi, was adopted by a colleague of mine. We took JiaoJiao with us on the plane.
She is an indoor-converted-outdoor cat. She is very curious and likes to roam around, but she never jumped fence or anything like that. She simply walks around, lies down on sidewalk or under the bush.
Recently she became a little bold and not afraid of cars, which eventually killed her. For several times we had to take her away from the driveway so that we can park our cars.
We buried little JiaoJiao in the garden of our side yard.
She has been a happy member of our family for the past 5 years. She will live in our memories.
Go in peace, little JiaoJiao!
-- The family
August 23, 2007
Isaac Milestone: Turns
Live Support Chat for your website
This guy also wrote some test code but it does not seem to function
August 13, 2007
Find best childcare in your area
Their toll free number is 1-800-424-2246
August 11, 2007
Free and Legal Music
3. Search Engine
Cheap OKI C5150n Cartridge
Not tried it yet. Looks good.
Cheap ML 1710 Laser Toner at
VCD authoring tools and related
2. ISO Recorder (
3. GNU vcdimager
4. VCDGear (convert mpeg1/2 to bin/cue file and back) at (
August 8, 2007
How to copy table from Firefox to Excel
Step 1: Hold down the CTRL key and click just outside the boarder of your grid. Either just above the grid, or on one of the sides. The entire grid should become highlighted.
Step 2: CTRL+C
Step 3: Open Excel and hit CTRL+V. You should get the entire grid pasted and formatted the same way you see it in Firefox.
Here is a good URL to practice with
To Paste a subset of a table, you will need to paste one column at a time:
Step 1: Ctrl+drag over the column you want in Firefox (yes, 1 column at a time).
Step 2: Paste into Excel. It will paste as a row, not a column. Don't worry - we'll get back to this. Repeat Steps 1 & 2 for as many cols of data that you need.
Step 3: After you have all the data you need into Excel (in rows), select them all and copy. Now move a few cells down and choose "Paste Special" - you'll see a few new options now. Choose "Transpose" in that dialog. This will turn the rows into columns.
July 26, 2007
July 19, 2007
Eating Place
Z-Pizza: Los Alamitos & 405
macaroni grill: Los Alamitos & 405
美食林: Alondra, 牛肉饼,木须肉
大肚鱼:South & Pinoeer
July 17, 2007
vim multiple repeat command
Or simpler:
or even more simpler
can be used to delete all lines that match PATTERN
See help :g for more
Another post from VIM TIP #227
I'll break down this incredible collapse-multiple-blank-lines command for everyone, now that I finally figured out how it works.
First, however, I'll rewrite it this way to illustrate that some of those slashes have totally different meaning than others:
Note that to delimit expressions like these, just about any symbol can be used in place of the typical slashes... in this case, I used underscores. What we have is an inverse search (:v, same as :g!) for a dot ('.') which means anything except a newline. So this will match empty lines and proceed to execute [command] on each of them.
The remaining [command] is this, which is a fancy join command, abbreviated earlier as just 'j'.
The comma tells it to work with a range of lines:
:help :,
With nothing before the comma, the range begins at the cursor, which is where that first blank line was. The end of the range is specified by a search, which to my knowledge actually does require slashes. The slash and dot mean to search for anything (again), which matches the nearest non-empty line and offsets by {offset} lines.
The {offset} here is -1, meaning one line above. In the original command we just saw a minus sign, to which vim assumes a count of 1 by default, so it did the same thing as how I've rewritten it, but simply with one character fewer to type.
There is a caveat about join that makes this trick possible. If you specify a range of only one line to "join", it will do nothing. For example, this command tells vim to join into one line all lines from 5 to 5, which does nothing:
In this case, any time you have more than one empty line (the case of interest), the join will see a range greater than one and join them together. For all single empty lines, join will leave it alone.
There's no good way use a delete command with :v/./ because you have to delete one line for every empty line you find. Join turned out to be the answer.
This command only merges truly "empty" lines... if any lines contain spaces and/or tabs, they will not be collapsed. To make sure you kill those lines, try this:
:v/^[^ \t]\+$/,/^[^ \t]\+$/-j
Or, to just clean such lines up first,
:%s/^[ \t]\+$//g
July 3, 2007
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泉威旅行Champion Travel Service (626)854-1808
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May 15, 2007
snmptrap command
-v 1: version 1
-c public: use community string "public" trap manager's IP address (trap destination) enterprise (i.e. type of device/object generating trap, default to system ID in mib II, can be empty) trap source IP address (device's IP address)
3: generic trap ID, they are:
- coldStart(0),
- warmStart(1),
- linkDown(2),
- linkUp(3),
- authenticationFailure(4),
- egpNeighborLoss(5),
- enterpriseSpecific(6)
0: specific trap ID, 0 when generic trap ID is not 6
'': system up time (timestamp)
You can also add "mib type value" to the end of the command to send them along with the trap
v2 trap:
snmptrap -v 2c -c public ""
"": system Uptime (when given as empty "", the system finds itself) trap OID
again, add "mib type value" to the end if you want.
v3 trap:
snmptrap -v 3 -a SHA -A 1234567890 -x DES -X 1234567890 -l authPriv -u myuser -e "123abc" "" linkUp.0
Update (09/10/2013)
When running snmptrap command, and seeing warning message like:
read_config_store open failure on /var/lib/net-snmp/snmpapp.conf
is okay. The trap is still being sent.
To run a debug catch-all snmptrapd:
snmptrapd -Le -On -f -n
with the following just-one-line in /etc/snmp/snmptrapd.conf
disableAuthorization yes
-n: no DNS lookup
-f: no fork
-On: print numeric OID
-Le: log to standard error
April 27, 2007
Some Useful Links for Linux
SSH X11 forwarding details
April 6, 2007
March 20, 2007
March 11, 2007
腹部胀气是 指肠子中有大量的气体,即所谓的「肠气」。一般来说正常人的肠子每天约有7~10公升的气体产生,这些肠气大部分会被人体重新吸收,只有一些气体会由身体 排出,如打嗝、放屁等。肠气所包含的气体有氮气、氧气、二氧化碳、氢气、甲烷等。通常肠气是无味的,只有不到1%的稀有气体(硫化氢、氨气)具有臭味。
肠子的气体约有90%经口吞入,正常人每天所吞下的空气大约有500~1000西西左右,空气中的主要成分为氧和氮,人体吞下空气到小肠时,氧气会被吸 收,而氮气则跑到大肠成为大肠气的主要成分。很多情况下,人体会不知不觉吞下空气,例如:嚼口香糖时、吃东西时狼吞虎咽、边吃东西边说话、喝汽水、可乐、 啤酒等碳酸性饮料时、或吃一些容易产气的食物等。另外,还有一些人紧张时会不自主的作出吞口水的动作,这些因素都会导致肠内气体的增加。
人体内因为缺乏消化寡糖类及多醣类等碳水化合物的酵素,所以在摄取这类食物后,在小肠中不被消化,到大肠中被肠内细菌分解利用,然后产生大量气体(二氧 化碳、氢气、甲烷)。这些可能导致腹胀的「产气食物」,包括:豆类、洋葱、茄子、地瓜、马铃薯、玉米、柑橘类水果、添加甜味剂(山梨糖醇)的饮料和甜点 等。
食物类别 产气食物
五谷类 玉米、洋芋、芋头、蕃薯、马铃薯、糯米类、糙米、杂粮
蔬菜类 洋葱、花椰菜、韭菜、包心菜、胡瓜、萝卜、茄子、甘蓝菜、大头菜、
水果类 苹果、西瓜、香瓜、哈蜜瓜、苹果汁
豆类 豆干、豆腐、红豆、绿豆、黄豆、花生、豌豆
乳类 牛奶、乳制品
饮料类 汽水、养乐多、豆浆、可乐
其它 咖啡、浓茶、巧克力、油炸类、高糖类的甜点、胡椒粉、香料
February 27, 2007
February 23, 2007
CVS Binary Mode
Here is an example of how you can create a new file using the `-kb'
$ echo '$Id$' > kotest
$ cvs add -kb -m"A test file" kotest
$ cvs ci -m"First checkin; contains a keyword" kotest
If a file accidentally gets added without `-kb', one can use the
`cvs admin' command to recover. For example:
$ echo '$Id$' > kotest
$ cvs add -m"A test file" kotest
$ cvs ci -m"First checkin; contains a keyword" kotest
$ cvs admin -kb kotest
$ cvs update -A kotest
$ cvs commit -m "make it binary" kotest # For non-unix systems