-v 1: version 1
-c public: use community string "public" trap manager's IP address (trap destination) enterprise (i.e. type of device/object generating trap, default to system ID in mib II, can be empty) trap source IP address (device's IP address)
3: generic trap ID, they are:
- coldStart(0),
- warmStart(1),
- linkDown(2),
- linkUp(3),
- authenticationFailure(4),
- egpNeighborLoss(5),
- enterpriseSpecific(6)
0: specific trap ID, 0 when generic trap ID is not 6
'': system up time (timestamp)
You can also add "mib type value" to the end of the command to send them along with the trap
v2 trap:
snmptrap -v 2c -c public ""
"": system Uptime (when given as empty "", the system finds itself) trap OID
again, add "mib type value" to the end if you want.
v3 trap:
snmptrap -v 3 -a SHA -A 1234567890 -x DES -X 1234567890 -l authPriv -u myuser -e "123abc" "" linkUp.0
Update (09/10/2013)
When running snmptrap command, and seeing warning message like:
read_config_store open failure on /var/lib/net-snmp/snmpapp.conf
is okay. The trap is still being sent.
To run a debug catch-all snmptrapd:
snmptrapd -Le -On -f -n
with the following just-one-line in /etc/snmp/snmptrapd.conf
disableAuthorization yes
-n: no DNS lookup
-f: no fork
-On: print numeric OID
-Le: log to standard error